The fourth chapter of Bonk, "The Upsuck Chronicles" addresses the question of whether or not the female orgasm has anything to do with fertility. A couple of weeks ago, I actually read an article from Popsci that addresses the question of whether or not the female orgasm actually has some sort of purpose in regards to fertility or if it's simply "an evolutionary accident". The article even refers to Kim Wallen, who is one of the scientists that Roach interviews in her book.
Here's a link to the article:
PopSci: What is the Point of the Female Orgasm?
Thanks for posting this article. I could not believe that ten percent of women never have orgasms at all! What?! More sex researchers should dedicate more time to trying to figure out how to help these women. Even if the female orgasm doesn't have a function other than that amazing sensation, it still encourages women to want to have sex. This extra reward of having an orgasm only makes women want to have sex more often which in turn helps fertility. I look forward to reading more research regarding this topic since it's such a hot debate.